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Present Simple ćwiczenia online: praktyczne zadania do rozwiązania

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Present Simple (czas teraźniejszy prosty) to czas gramatyczny w języku angielskim, który służy do opisywania rutynowych czynności, stanów oraz faktów, które są zawsze prawdziwe. Używamy go, aby mówić o zwyczajach, powtarzających się zdarzeniach i ogólnych prawdach. Czas Present Simple jest kluczowy dla codziennej komunikacji, dlatego warto go dobrze opanować.

Aby ułatwić Ci naukę i praktykę tego czasu, przygotowaliśmy zestaw ćwiczeń gramatycznych online, które pomogą Ci utrwalić użycie Present Simple w różnych kontekstach i sprawdzić swoją wiedzę!

Present Simple praktyczne zadania do rozwiązywania

Poniżej przygotowaliśmy trzy rodzaje ćwiczeń, które pomogą Ci lepiej zrozumieć i utrwalić czas Present Simple. Znajdziesz tu zadania typu „wypełnij lukę”, gdzie uzupełnisz zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika, testy wyboru, w których wskażesz poprawną odpowiedź, oraz ćwiczenia polegające na uzupełnianiu dialogów. Te zadania pozwolą Ci usystematyzować wiedzę, sprawdzając jednocześnie, jak dobrze radzisz sobie z używaniem Present Simple w różnych kontekstach.

Ćwiczenia „fill the gap”

Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając odpowiednią formę czasownika.

1. Codzienne czynności 

I usually _______ my teeth before breakfast. a) brush b) brushes c) brushed Arrow icon

a) brush

She _______ to the gym every Tuesday. a) go b) goes c) going Arrow icon

b) goes

They often _______ coffee in the morning. a) drink b) drinks c) drank Arrow icon

a) drink

My brother _______ to school by bus. a) travel b) travels c) traveling Arrow icon

b) travels

We _______ dinner at 6 PM every day. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

He usually _______ his homework in the evening. a) do b) does c) did Arrow icon

b) does

The train _______ at 9 AM every day. a) leave b) leaves c) leaving Arrow icon

b) leaves

I often _______ a walk after lunch. a) take b) takes c) taking Arrow icon

a) take

She _______ her friends on weekends. a) visit b) visits c) visiting Arrow icon

b) visits

They always _______ the news in the evening. a) watch b) watches c) watching Arrow icon

a) watch

2. Fakty

Water _______ at 100 degrees Celsius. a) boil b) boils c) boiled Arrow icon

b) boils

The Earth _______ around the Sun. a) revolve b) revolves c) revolved Arrow icon

b) revolves

Cats _______ mammals. a) is b) are c) be Arrow icon

b) are

The capital of France _______ Paris. a) is b) are c) was Arrow icon

a) is

A triangle _______ three sides. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

Birds _______ eggs. a) lay b) lays c) laid Arrow icon

a) lay

The human body _______ 206 bones. a) contain b) contains c) containing Arrow icon

b) contains

The sun _______ in the east. a) rise b) rises c) rose Arrow icon

b) rises

Gold _______ a valuable metal. a) is b) are c) be Arrow icon

a) is

Elephants _______ the largest land animals. a) is b) are c) be Arrow icon

b) are

3. Opisy osób i miejsc

My sister _______ long brown hair. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

The library _______ many books and resources. a) contain b) contains c) containing Arrow icon

b) contains

He _______ tall and athletic. a) is b) are c) be Arrow icon

a) is

This restaurant _______ delicious Italian food. a) serve b) serves c) serving Arrow icon

b) serves

Our house _______ a large garden. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

The park _______ a beautiful lake. a) feature b) features c) featuring Arrow icon

b) features

She _______ a friendly smile and bright eyes. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

The museum _______ interesting exhibits about history. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

He _______ a passion for painting and art. a) has b) have c) having Arrow icon

a) has

The city _______ many tall buildings and busy streets. a) contain b) contains c) containing Arrow icon

b) contains

4. Zdania z czasownikiem „to be” 

I _______ a student at the university. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

a) am

She _______ my best friend. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

b) is

They _______ happy with their new home. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

c) are

The sky _______ blue on a clear day. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

b) is

We _______ excited about the upcoming trip. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

c) are

He _______ a talented musician. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

b) is

You _______ always so kind to others. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

c) are

The flowers _______ beautiful in the spring. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

c) are

It _______ important to stay healthy. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

b) is

My parents _______ very supportive. a) am b) is c) are Arrow icon

c) are

Pierwsza lekcja jest darmowa!
Twoje dziecko pokocha angielski!

5. Trzecia osoba liczby pojedynczej 

She _______ to the gym every morning. a) go b) goes c) going Arrow icon

b) goes

He _______ his homework after school. a) do b) does c) doing Arrow icon

b) does

The dog _______ in the yard. a) play b) plays c) playing Arrow icon

b) plays

My mother _______ delicious meals for the family. a) cook b) cooks c) cooking Arrow icon

b) cooks

The baby _______ every night at 7 PM. a) sleep b) sleeps c) sleeping Arrow icon

b) sleeps

The teacher _______ the students about math. a) tell b) tells c) telling Arrow icon

b) tells

The cat _______ on the windowsill. a) sit b) sits c) sitting Arrow icon

b) sits

My brother _______ video games after dinner. a) play b) plays c) playing Arrow icon

b) plays

She _______ her bike to school every day. a) ride b) rides c) riding Arrow icon

b) rides

The company _______ great products for its customers. a) make b) makes c) making Arrow icon

b) makes

Ćwiczenia „wybierz poprawną odpowiedź”

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź, aby uzupełnić zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika.

1. Wybierz czasownik w odpowiedniej formie 

I ___ (play/played) tennis every day. a) play b) played c) playing Arrow icon

a) play

She ___ (drink/drank) coffee in the morning. a) drink b) drinks c) drank Arrow icon

b) drinks

They ___ (go/going) to school by bus. a) go b) went c) going Arrow icon

a) go

He ___ (like/liked) to read books. a) like b) likes c) liked Arrow icon

b) likes

My father ___ (work/working) at a bank. a) works b) worked c) working Arrow icon

a) works

The cat ___ (chase/chased) the mouse. a) chases b) chased c) chasing Arrow icon

a) chases

We ___ (watch/watched) TV in the evening. a) watch b) watched c) watching Arrow icon

a) watch

She ___ (study/studied) French at school. a) studies b) studied c) studying Arrow icon

a) studies

The sun ___ (rise/rose) in the east. a) rises b) rose c) rising Arrow icon

a) rises

2. Stwórz pytania 

___ (you/go) to the store every Saturday? a) Do you go? b) Are you going? c) Did you go? Arrow icon

a) Do you go?

___ (she/like) chocolate? a) Does she like? b) Is she liking? c) Did she like? Arrow icon

a) Does she like?

___ (they/play) football after school? a) Do they play? b) Are they playing? c) Did they play? Arrow icon

a) Do they play?

___ (he/finish) his homework on time? a) Does he finishes? b) Did he finish? c) Does he finish? Arrow icon

c) Does he finish?

___ (you/study) for the test yesterday? a) Did you study? b) Do you study? c) Are you studying? Arrow icon

b) Do you study?

___ (the dog/bark) at night? a) Does the dog barks? b) Is the dog barking? c) Does the dog bark? Arrow icon

c) Does the dog bark?

___ (we/visit) our grandparents this weekend? a) Did we visit? b) Do we visit? c) Are we visiting? Arrow icon

b) Do we visit?

___ (she/read) a book every month? a) Does she reads? b) Does she read? c) Is she reading? Arrow icon

b) Does she read?

___ (he/go) to the gym regularly? a) Does he goes? b) Is he going? c) Does he go? Arrow icon

c) Does he go?

___ (they/see) the movie last night? a) Did they see? b) Do they see? c) Are they seeing? Arrow icon

b) Do they see?

3. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź 

Where do they live?
What time does he wake up?
How often do you go to the gym?
What does your brother like?
Why do we need to study?
What does the cat eat?
When do they usually travel?
How does she feel today?
Where does he work?
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Sprawdź wyniki

3. Ćwiczenia i testy z dialogami

Przeczytaj poniższe dialogi i uzupełnij brakujące formy czasownika.

Osoba A: What time ___ (you/get up) in the morning?
Osoba B: I ___ (get up) at 7 AM every day.

Osoba A: Where ___ (she/work)?
Osoba B: She ___ (work) at a local café.

Osoba A: How often ___ (they/go) to the gym?
Osoba B: They ___ (go) to the gym three times a week.

Osoba A: What ___ (he/do) in his free time?
Osoba B: He ___ (play) the guitar and ___ (read) books.

Osoba A: Why ___ (you/like) this movie?
Osoba B: I ___ (like) it because it’s very interesting.

Odpowiedzi Arrow icon
  1. do you get up | get up
  2. does she work | works
  3. do they go | go
  4. does he do | plays, reads
  5. do you like | like

Mamy nadzieję, że dzięki tym ćwiczeniom z czasu Present Simple teraz już doskonale wiesz, jaka jest budowa zdań i ich zastosowanie. Jeżeli Twoje dziecko chce poprawić swoją wymowę i utrwalić gramatykę, zapraszamy na bezpłatną lekcję próbną w szkole językowej Novakid! To świetna okazja, aby poznać gramatykę i rozbudować słownictwo w przyjaznej atmosferze.

Podczas zajęć maluchy mają szansę ćwiczyć tworzenie zdań i opisywać codzienne czynności w przyjemny i przystępny sposób. Z nami nauka stanie się zabawą, a dziecko nabierze pewności w komunikacji!

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