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Present Perfect ćwiczenia online: praktyczne zadania do rozwiązania

Spis treści

Present Perfect (czas teraźniejszy dokonany) to gramatyczny czas w języku angielskim, który pozwala nam opisywać czynności zakończone w przeszłości, które mają wpływ na teraźniejszość. Używamy go również, gdy chcemy podkreślić doświadczenia, osiągnięcia lub zmiany, które miały miejsce od jakiegoś momentu do teraz.

Poniżej znajdziesz zestaw ćwiczeń z czasu Present Perfect, który pomoże Ci utrwalić zastosowania tego czasu w różnych kontekstach oraz sprawdzić swoją wiedzę! Zaczynamy?

Present Perfect praktyczne zadania do rozwiązywania

Poniżej przygotowaliśmy trzy rodzaje ćwiczeń, które pomogą Ci lepiej zrozumieć i utrwalić czas Present Perfect. Znajdziesz tu zadania typu „wypełnij lukę”, testy wyboru oraz ćwiczenia polegające na tworzeniu zdań na podstawie podanych informacji. Te zadania pozwolą Ci usystematyzować wiedzę i sprawdzić, jak dobrze radzisz sobie z używaniem Present Perfect w różnych kontekstach.

Ćwiczenia „fill the gap”

Poniżej znajduje się ćwiczenia, które pomogą Ci utrwalić poszczególne zastosowania czasu Present Perfect. Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając odpowiednią formę czasownika.

  • Doświadczenia życiowe
I _______ to Italy three times. a) have been b) has been c) being Arrow icon

a) have been

She _______ never tried sushi before. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

They _______ already seen that movie. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

He _______ visited the Eiffel Tower. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

We _______ never been to a concert. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

You _______ finished your homework yet? a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

I _______ learned how to play the guitar. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

She _______ taken part in a marathon. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

They _______ met the president before. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

a) have

He _______ traveled to Asia for work. a) have b) has c) having Arrow icon

b) has

  • Wyrażanie zmian
My city _______ significantly over the past few years. a) have developed b) has developed c) developing Arrow icon

b) has developed

She _______ her mind about moving abroad. a) have changed b) has changed c) changing Arrow icon

b) has changed

They _______ their attitude towards the environment. a) have improved b) has improved c) improving Arrow icon

a) have improved

He _______ his eating habits since he started exercising. a) have adjusted b) has adjusted c) adjusting Arrow icon

b) has adjusted

We _______ our approach to marketing in the last year. a) have refined b) has refined c) refining Arrow icon

a) have refined

You _______ a lot since we last met. a) have grown b) has grown c) growing Arrow icon

a) have grown

The company _______ its policies for better employee satisfaction. a) have changed b) has changed c) changing Arrow icon

b) has changed

I _______ my perspective on life in the last few months. a) have shifted b) has shifted c) shifting Arrow icon

a) have shifted

They _______ their services in the last year to attract more clients. a) have expanded b) has expanded c) expanding Arrow icon

a) have expanded

The technology _______ rapidly over the last decade. a) have advanced b) has advanced c) advancing Arrow icon

b) has advanced

  • Akcje zakończone w przeszłości, ale mające wpływ na teraźniejszość
I _______ my keys. Now I can’t get into my house. a) have lost b) has lost c) losing Arrow icon

a) have lost

She _______ her homework, so she is ready for the class. a) have completed b) has completed c) completing Arrow icon

b) has completed

They _______ the report, and now we can discuss it. a) have finished b) has finished c) finishing Arrow icon

a) have finished

He _______ his bike, so he needs to walk to school today. a) have broken b) has broken c) breaking Arrow icon

b) has broken

We _______ our tickets for the concert, and now we are excited to go. a) have bought b) has bought c) buying Arrow icon

a) have bought

You _______ the information I asked for, which helps me a lot. a) have sent b) has sent c) sending Arrow icon

a) have sent

I _______ the new software, and it’s been very helpful. a) have installed b) has installed c) installing Arrow icon

a) have installed

She _______ her phone, so now she can make calls again. a) have found b) has found c) finding Arrow icon

b) has found

They _______ their application, and now they are waiting for a response. a) have submitted b) has submitted c) submitting Arrow icon

a) have submitted

He _______ all his exams, which makes him feel relieved. a) have passed b) has passed c) passing Arrow icon

b) has passed

  • Zdania z „ever” i „never” 
Pierwsza lekcja jest darmowa!
Twoje dziecko pokocha angielski!
Have you ever ______ (see) a live performance? a) seen b) saw c) sees Arrow icon

a) seen

She has ______ (never/try) Thai food before. a) never tried b) never try c) never tries Arrow icon

a) never tried

They have ______ (never/visit) a foreign country. a) never visited b) never visit c) never visits Arrow icon

a) never visited

Have we ever ______ (meet) anyone from that city? a) met b) meet c) meets Arrow icon

a) met

He has ______ (never/experience) such a thrilling ride. a) never experienced b) never experience c) never experiences Arrow icon

a) never experienced

Have you ______ been to Paris? a) ever b) never Arrow icon

a) ever

She has ______ tried sushi before. a) ever b) never Arrow icon

b) never

They have ______ seen such a beautiful sunset. a) ever b) never Arrow icon

b) never

I have ______ visited the Eiffel Tower. a) ever b) never Arrow icon

b) never

Has he ______ run a marathon? a) ever b) never Arrow icon

a) ever

Ćwiczenia „wybierz poprawną odpowiedź”

Poniżej znajdziesz kolejne ćwiczenia i testy interaktywne dla czasu Present Perfect. Pomogą Ci one utrwalić sobie zasady gramatyki i budowy zdań w tym czasie. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź, aby uzupełnić zdania.

1. Wybierz odpowiednią formę czasownika 

She _______ to the new restaurant in town. a) have gone b) has gone c) going Arrow icon

b) has gone

They _______ their homework yet. a) haven’t finished b) hasn’t finished c) not finished Arrow icon

a) haven’t finished

I _______ my keys. Have you seen them? a) have lost b) has lost c) losing Arrow icon

a) have lost

We _______ that movie three times already. a) have seen b) has seen c) seeing Arrow icon

a) have seen

He _______ his lunch, so he is hungry now. a) has forgotten b) have forgotten c) forgetting Arrow icon

a) has forgotten

You _______ a lot of progress in your studies this semester. a) have made b) has made c) making Arrow icon

a) have made

She _______ the report for the meeting. a) have prepared b) has prepared c) preparing Arrow icon

b) has prepared

They _______ in this city for five years. a) have lived b) has lived c) living Arrow icon

a) have lived

I _______ to that concert before. a) have gone b) has gone c) going Arrow icon

a) have gone

We _______ the results of the experiment yet. a) haven’t analyzed b) hasn’t analyzed c) not analyzed Arrow icon

a) haven’t analyzed

2. Stwórz pytanie 

___ (you/ever/see) that movie before? a) Have you ever seen b) Did you ever see c) Do you ever see Arrow icon

a) Have you ever seen

___ (she/finish) her homework yet? a) Has she finished b) Did she finish c) Does she finish Arrow icon

a) Has she finished

___ (they/visit) Paris recently? a) Have they visited b) Did they visit c) Do they visit Arrow icon

a) Have they visited

___ (he/try) the new dish at the restaurant? a) Has he tried b) Did he try c) Does he try Arrow icon

a) Has he tried

___ (we/complete) the project on time? a) Have we completed b) Did we complete c) Do we complete Arrow icon

a) Have we completed

___ (you/ever/read) that book? a) Have you ever read b) Did you ever read c) Do you ever read Arrow icon

a) Have you ever read

___ (she/learn) to play the piano? a) Has she learned b) Did she learn c) Does she learn Arrow icon

a) Has she learned

___ (they/just/arrive)? a) Have they just arrived b) Did they just arrive c) Do they just arrive Arrow icon

a) Have they just arrived

___ (he/not/finish) his lunch yet? a) Has he not finished b) Did he not finish c) Does he not finish Arrow icon

a) Has he not finished

___ (we/see) the results of the experiment? a) Have we seen b) Did we see c) Do we see Arrow icon

a) Have we seen

3. Wybierz odpowiednie wyrażenia czasu

I have lived here ______ five years. a) for b) since Arrow icon

a) for

She has worked at the company ______ 2018. a) for b) since Arrow icon

b) since

He has studied French ______ a long time. a) for b) since Arrow icon

a) for

We have known each other ______ we were children. a) for b) since Arrow icon

b) since

I have seen that movie ______ three times. a) for b) since Arrow icon

a) for

She has been to that restaurant ______ it opened. a) for b) since Arrow icon

b) since

They have lived in this city ______ ten years. a) for b) since Arrow icon

a) for

He has played the guitar ______ he was a teenager. a) for b) since Arrow icon

b) since

I have worked at this company ______ 2010. a) for b) since Arrow icon

b) since

She has been studying English ______ two years. a) for b) since Arrow icon

a) for

Ćwiczenia i testy z dialogami

Przeczytaj poniższe zdania w czasie Present Perfect i uzupełnij brakujące formy czasownika.

Dialogi do uzupełnienia:


Osoba A: Have you ever ___ (be) to Paris?
Osoba B: Yes, I ___ (visit) it last summer.


Osoba A: What ___ (happen) since we last spoke?
Osoba B: I ___ (get) a new job and ___ (move) to a different city.


Osoba A: ___ (you/see) the new movie yet?
Osoba B: No, I ___ (not have) time to watch it.


Osoba A: Why ___ (you/not/finish) your project?
Osoba B: I ___ (work) on it all week, but I still need more time.


Osoba A: How many books ___ (you/read) this year?
Osoba B: I ___ (read) five so far.

Sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu.

Odpowiedzi Arrow icon
  1. have you been | visited
  2. has happened | got | moved
  3. have you seen | have not had
  4. have you not finished | have been working
  5. have you read | have read

Aby zapamiętać wszystkie możliwe użycia czasu Present Perfect oraz jego gramatyczne reguły, trzeba dużo i regularnie ćwiczyć! Nauka angielskiego jest najbardziej efektywna, kiedy stale wykorzystujemy język w praktyce. Aby opanować ten i wiele innych, często używanych czasów, takich jak Present Continuous czy Present Simple, zapisz dziecko do szkoły językowej online Novakid. Uczymy angielskiej gramatyki w przyjaznej atmosferze na wielu poziomach zaawansowania. Zapraszamy na bezpłatną lekcję próbną angielskiego online i sprawdź, jak wyglądają nasze zajęcia.

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