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Past Perfect ćwiczenia online: praktyczne zadania do rozwiązania

Spis treści

Past Perfect (czas przeszły dokonany) to czas gramatyczny używany w języku angielskim, który pozwala nam opisywać czynności zakończone przed innym wydarzeniem w przeszłości. Jest on również często wykorzystywany, gdy chcemy podkreślić kolejność zdarzeń, które miały już miejsce. Aby dobrze opanować ten czas, niezbędna jest praktyka – dlatego przygotowaliśmy zestaw ćwiczeń online, które pomogą Ci utrwalić użycie Past Perfect w różnych kontekstach i sprawdzić swoją wiedzę!

Past Perfect praktyczne zadania do rozwiązywania

Poniżej przygotowaliśmy trzy rodzaje ćwiczeń, które pomogą Ci lepiej zrozumieć i utrwalić czas Past Perfect. Znajdziesz tu zadania typu „wypełnij lukę”, gdzie uzupełnisz zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika, testy wyboru, w których wskażesz poprawną odpowiedź, oraz ćwiczenia polegające na uzupełnianiu dialogów. Te zadania pozwolą Ci usystematyzować wiedzę, sprawdzając jednocześnie, jak dobrze radzisz sobie z używaniem Past Perfect w różnych kontekstach. Dzięki regularnej praktyce nabierzesz pewności w stosowaniu tego czasu gramatycznego w codziennej komunikacj.

Ćwiczenia „fill the gap”

Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając odpowiednią formę czasownika w czasie Past Perfect.

  1. Wyrażenia wskazujące na wcześniejszą czynność:
By the time the guests arrived, she _______ all the preparations. a) finished b) had finished c) finishes Arrow icon

b) had finished

Before he went to bed, he _______ his homework. a) had completed b) completes c) completed Arrow icon

a) had completed

When they got to the airport, the plane _______. a) takes off b) took off c) had taken off Arrow icon

c) had taken off

By the time we started dinner, they _______ for two hours. a) had waited b) wait c) waits Arrow icon

a) had waited

Before she left the house, she _______ the lights. a) turns off b) turned off c) had turned off Arrow icon

c) had turned off

By the time I arrived, they _______ all the food. a) eat b) had eaten c) eats Arrow icon

b) had eaten

Before she joined the company, she _______ at another firm for five years. a) works b) worked c) had worked Arrow icon

c) had worked

By the time we arrived at the theater, the movie _______. a) had started b) starts c) start Arrow icon

a) had started

They _______ the documents before the deadline. a) submits b) submit c) had submitted Arrow icon

c) had submitted

Before he took the test, he _______ for several weeks. a) had studied b) studies c) studied Arrow icon

a) had studied

2. Dwie czynności w przeszłości:

Pierwsza lekcja jest darmowa!
Twoje dziecko pokocha angielski!
When I got to the station, the train _______. a) had left b) leaves c) left Arrow icon

a) had left

After she _______ the book, she returned it to the library. a) reads b) had read c) read Arrow icon

b) had read

By the time we arrived, the event _______. a) had begun b) begins c) begin Arrow icon

a) had begun

When they called me, I _______ dinner. a) finished b) had finished c) finish Arrow icon

b) had finished

After he _______ his homework, he went outside to play. a) does b) did c) had done Arrow icon

c) had done

By the time the teacher entered the classroom, the students _______ talking. a) had started b) start c) starts Arrow icon

a) had started

When I arrived at the party, they _______ the cake. a) had cut b) cuts c) cut Arrow icon

a) had cut

After we _______ the documents, we sent them to the client. a) reviewed b) had reviewed c) review Arrow icon

b) had reviewed

By the time she called him, he _______ the house. a) had left b) leaves c) leave Arrow icon

a) had left

When they finished packing, they _______ to the airport. a) went b) had gone c) go Arrow icon

b) had gone

Ćwiczenia „wybierz poprawną odpowiedź”

Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź, aby uzupełnić zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika w czasie Past Perfect lub pytającego słowa.

  • Wybór formy czasownika:
    • By the time we got home, they ___ (cleaned/had cleaned) the house.
    • She ___ (left/had left) before we could say goodbye.
    • I ___ (started/had started) eating by the time you called.
    • After he ___ (read/had read) the book, he returned it to the library.
    • When they arrived, we ___ (finished/had finished) the meeting.
    • They ___ (went/had gone) out before we arrived.
    • By the time I found my keys, she ___ (left/had left) already.
    • After they ___ (completed/had completed) the project, they celebrated.
    • We ___ (had finished/finished) dinner by the time they called us.
    • Before she ___ (moved/had moved) to the new city, she sold her house.
  • Wybór słowa pytającego:
    • ___ you seen the movie before I mentioned it? (Had/Did)
    • ___ she called you before you went out? (Had/Did)
    • ___ they already left when you reached the station? (Had/Did)
    • ___ he prepared dinner before everyone arrived? (Had/Did)
    • ___ you practiced enough before the competition? (Had/Did)
    • ___ they finished packing before the taxi arrived? (Had/Did)
    • ___ you ever visited that museum before last year? (Had/Did)
    • ___ she completed her homework before the class started? (Had/Did)
    • ___ he told you about the plan before the meeting? (Had/Did)
    • ___ they eaten breakfast before you woke up? (Had/Did)

Ćwiczenia i testy z dialogami

Przeczytaj poniższe dialogi i uzupełnij brakujące formy czasownika w czasie Past Perfect.

Dialogi do uzupełnienia:

Osoba A: Where ___ (be) before you came here?
Osoba B: I ___ (visit) my grandparents and ___ (have) lunch with them.

Osoba A: What ___ (happen) when you got to the meeting?
Osoba B: They ___ (already/start) discussing the main topic.

Osoba A: ___ (you/finish) your work before we left?
Osoba B: Yes, I ___ (complete) everything on my to-do list.

Osoba A: Why ___ (not/call) me before you arrived?
Osoba B: I ___ (lose) my phone and couldn’t find it.

Osoba A: Had you met them before?
Osoba B: No, I ___ (never/meet) them until yesterday.

Sprawdź odpowiedzi w załączonym kluczu. 

Odpowiedzi Arrow icon
  1. had you been | had visited | had had
  2. had happened | had already started
  3. Had you finished | had completed
  4. had you not called | had lost
  5. had never met

Jeżeli Twoje dziecko chce poprawić swoją wymowę i utrwalić gramatykę, zapraszamy do skorzystania z darmowej lekcji próbnej w szkole językowej Novakid. Podczas zajęć odświeży sobie wiedzę na temat budowy zdań i będzie mogło ćwiczyć czas Past Perfect, Past Simple czy Present Perfect oraz wiele innych zagadnień gramatycznych w praktyczny i przystępny sposób.

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